Sabbath School is a time to deepen our understanding of the Bible and of Jesus our Lord. The topics for study change each quarter. Each study guide is laid out to be studied 6 days a week in order to be prepared to share insights with others in the class. We are small in number at the Oak Ridge Church, but still yet strong on Bible study.
We are always amazed at the topics the worldwide church brings for our consideration! All around the world, people are studying the same topic week by week for 13 weeks. Then a new topic comes to absorb us! We welcome all visitors and promise that we will never embarrass anyone by calling on them without permission granted! So, nothing to fear, but fear itself! Come join us and take delight in how deep we go in our study!
Since Jesus came to dwell with us, we know that God is acquainted with our trials, and sympathizes with our griefs. Every son and daughter of Adam may understand that our Creator is the friend of sinners. For in every doctrine of grace, every promise of joy, every deed of love, every divine attraction presented in the Savior's life on earth, we see "God with us."